Everyday Brownies

Everyday Brownie stacked

There are some lofty brownie recipes and then there is this one, my everyday brownies. These do not require copious amounts of chocolate or butter and can be made with ingredients that are generally on hand. As for me, I always tend to have baking chocolate, butter, eggs and flour lying around. Whenever the mood strikes, I find myself turning to this recipe over and over again. There are more than one reason for that, but the most important is, I can make these even at the end of a long tiring day. And more often than not, it is on those run-down days that we specifically need a brownie fix. A warm brownie straight out of the pan with a tall glass of milk dawns in the feeling that everything is alright. It’s amazing how a tiny little brownie can conjure up emotions of joy and comfort. I guess food has the capacity to do that.  These everyday brownies can be  made occasion-worthy too, by serving them up with whipped cream or ice cream with a drizzling of caramel sauce. 

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