How to Make Madeleines

How to Make Madeleines - Main

Madeleines are buttery, delicately flavored little cakes originating in France. They have crisp edges and a light and soft crumb throughout. They get their distinctive scallop shapes from being baked in shell-shaped pans. It is only a matter of getting hold of the Madeleine pan. From then on it is really not too difficult to whip up these little buttery French delights. Trust me they are truly delightful with your afternoon cup of tea or even morning coffee.

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Buttery Pound Cake

Buttery Pound Cake

My earliest memories of baking dates back to those days when I could barely reach up to the kitchen table and watch my mom painstakingly mixing butter and sugar with a spoon. She would sometimes ditch the spoon and instead use her hands to attain the right fluffy consistency of the butter, sugar and eggs. Much later when my older brother was capable enough, mom let him do the beating and mix up the batter. As I was the younger child, my turn to mix came much later. The plain sight of butter, sugar, eggs, and flour coming together and becoming something else fascinated my young eyes. Peeking through the oven door and seeing the batter rise and slowly becoming a cake was a pleasurable feeling. It was mathematics and chemistry coming together to create the most beloved treat of our family.

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